Google, Cloud, and Stream…Jackpot! Crystal Ball Musings

Just something to keep in mind.  Companies do something for a reason, not just because its cool.  I have noticed some trending in different directions lately.  Google is researching a very high speed wireless technology that would be broadcast from central locations and not need a direct connection into your home.  Both CBS and HBO are announcing a streaming service, in direct competition with NetFlix.  A former Microsoft executive is creating a new type of database to handle large amounts of data (i.e. “Big Data”) more efficiently than Oracle or other database technologies…including SQL.  Curiously enough its going to be cloud based.  SAP is showing an increase of companies going to their cloud based product, in such droves that they are not fully prepared to handle the load.

What does all this mean?

Cloud Technology was a tech buzz word, but now its taking shape with some very real world applications that fit within the niche.  Obviously, there are risks with cloud around data ownership and security, but companies are banking on these being identified and resolved.  More and more companies are putting services in the cloud, not just for cloud presence, but to gain market share.  Previously, a big win would be get a Forbes 100 company to sign on to your normal vanilla on-premise service.  Now a multitude of non-100 companies are seeing some value add due to the economy of scales, so that 10 lesser sized companies provide the revenue to substantiate a cloud presence.  Even more telling is that SAP, a huge name in the ERP system is going cloud.  Since SAP is a financial application with its associated compliance concerns, this move has huge implications on data viability and security.

Overall Google, SAP, CBS, and HBO are stepping outside of their normal market presence to engage in activities that provide a more singular service whether its to a consumer or smaller company via the wide world web of the internet jungle.



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